Major Arcana


Void. Sight of conception. Joyful. Nucleic.


Telekinetic. Mind made matter. Prefigurative.


The witch understands what the king cannot. Listen.


The orchard flourishing; the rivers replete. 


I see a city in this place.


The king’s council. The prophet’s apostle. Does order bring meaning or control?


She, he, they. (re) join, rejoice.


Drive. You know the way.


The unbreakable within holds fast.


Still. Solitary. Enter the temple. 


Tomorrow is the next reality.


Settle the bill, or pay the price.


Suspend your disbelief. The rope will hold. 


The worm-infested fruit becomes the soil.  


Rivulets in dry earth will find the sea at last.


Where your self-loathing dances. 


Unmake this world. It is done for. 


From your bruise, the blossom.


A wish, a whisper, a word, a wonder.  


I live in the light. 


The meaning in the past makes the map for the road ahead.




Most of the livelong days 
Test themselves in the sea 
Tossed about by the waves
Inelegantly body surfing
Sand-scraped knees

The hapless weekends 
Make disoriented attempts
To arise from the surf
Find a foothold in seashells
Avoid the jelly sting

Each Sunday turns
to face Monday
Gasping for breath
Slapped in the face
By an oncoming wave

But once in a while…

The days unwind themselves 
Like a sunbather
Dripping onto a beach towel
Unhurried, relaxed, content
To be made toast

Tornado Seeds

I dream of the children of the rising seas
The wildfire born, the tornado seeds
Conceived in the hands of the run down clock
Betrayed by their ancestor’s greed

They live on the edges of forgotten towns
Main Street hunters, suburban farms
Raised by necessity, grief, and change
Schooled by the silenced alarm

At night they gather, chant freedom tales
Of shining light, and hammer and bell
Prostrate to surviving beasts and birds
Remembering all those who fell. 

I pray for these wildflowers of heat and flood
Find rivulets, run deep and wide
Resync your heartbeats with earthsong
Let your energies be sun-tied. 

The new world is yours
Tornado seeds

Hip Opener

My pain dwells in the space 
Between lower back and upper legs
Where the holding meets the doing

The hinge that screams 
For oil, for ease, for new
Screws to tighten up my will 

I have opened these hips
Again, and again and again
To engulf some and release others

My hips cry, oooooh. 
What have you done for me lately? 
I wanna be the one in control.

Trouble the Troubles


Alone in broad daylight, 
my mask pulled tight 
A neighbor's breath is near. 

My loves, all turned to ghosts,
go nowhere fast,
Their pain will last for years

Police murder George Floyd
Anger erupts
Summer streets are seared

Black lives taken each day
We say their names, 
Uncertain who will hear


New year’s insurrection
White power play
Dog whistles call and cheer

No consequences seen
Emboldens those
Who love the king of jeer

Ida’s remnants arrive
Tornados bloom
Sirens jar inner ear

Vine street expressway flood
A river born
We drown in nature’s tears


Don’t say gay Florida
Control what’s taught
Deny that we are queer

School active shooter drills
Are make-believe
Until the news appears

Supreme court overturns
Roe versus Wade
The right that we hold dear

Proverb says that hindsight’s 
True, the nightmare is clear


Awaken us from terrors!
Our movement without peer
Our future glowing brighter
Toward our vision steer!

Black joy is multiplying
Queer liberators rise
“Me too” chorus resounding
Lay bare the kingdoms lies

Old paradigm collapsing
The capitalist plot
The workers are uniting
Unlearning all you taught

Clarion call of poets
Truth murals on the streets
Afro-futurisms thrive
Revolutionary beats

The virus multiplying
Not just the kind that kills
Infectious liberation
Rewiring our wills

We’re troubling our troubles
We understand the cage
Revealing all that’s hidden
Transmogrifying rage

Not something in our future
These seedlings in the earth
We cultivate this garden
Midwife our vision’s birth

In the Egg, Pt. 2

Are you in the egg, 
or are you just cracking up? 
You need a break…through!

Ha! What a chicken. 
Make sure you are fully grown
before you breathe air.

You must know how to
filter out the good from bad.
Edible? Deadly?

Get close to others,
yes, and learn to read. The signs
say, “keep your distance”. 

Seasons of No Pt. 1

When I tell you "no"
Mind the autumn bird feeder
You empty the seeds

When I tell you "no"
Six more weeks of harsh winter
Icy, treacherous

When I tell you "no"
Spring rains are far more likely
to drown the new blooms

When I tell you "no"
You spread arctic wildfires
Unnatural wind


Three days ago you were at my house, 

observing the faulty dishwasher, 

patiently deducing the cause of the 

brown gunk building up inside.

Care-full. Loving. Daddy.

Today, I am in the shower

Right hand presses soap suds 

down the curve of my waist

“Your mom called. We have to go.”

I still need to put oil on my skin. 

I sit in the passenger side front seat,

the phone pressed to my head. 

495 is faster these days. 

Spelling aloud:  “N as in Nancy. 

V as in Victor,” like you used to do. 

It’s bitter but my coat is too warm. 

Hospitals all over-capacity. The surge. 

A black fence bi-sects the apron lawn.

I lean on it and answer a call. 

Your brother is crying in Goa.  

Texts flow like ants at a picnic. 

Most of them don’t matter. 

I still read them all:

“Mom needs a snack.”

“Where’s the medical directive?”

“Call your senator!”

Sick people treated in the hall,

beds outside your room. 

The new nurse has long black hair 

pulled into a braid, apple cheeks. 

Her smile is warm behind the mask. 

You are asleep. I need a bed. 

Mom’s car is unfamiliar

I drive without headlights. 

No cars on the road at midnight. 

This time, we dodged the bullet.